Sports injury can be serious physically. Moreover, it can be hard to overcome psychologically too, because no athlete wants to face the possibility of never being able to return to the sport again. For those who are injured or know someone who is, this entry will provide resources on how to handle sports injury and psychological problems it can cause. It will also give parents advice on how to treat their injured kids.

This article suggests 14 ways to overcome sports injury and setbacks, as well as some other good advices. I like it because it discusses each point clearly and tells the reader exactly what they should do. “It may be hard to sit on the sidelines or watch other people do the things you used to be able to. You have to find a new identity that is not just as an athlete or fitness-junkie. There is more to you than that, embrace it.”

For those who are experiencing psychological hardships because of sports injury, here are 2 articles on anxiety and depression. This blog talks about the anxiety during recovery. It makes suggestions for the athlete during recovery and rehabilitation, as well as for coaches and parents on what attitude they should hold toward the player. “Remember that after a sports injury, it’s normal to feel mild apprehension about recovery. It even serves a purpose by providing some protection from re-injury. However, if you feel persistent and intense fear, it can disrupt your return to the sport.”

This post focuses on overcoming depression after injuries. It discusses athlete depression in great details and suggests ways to cope with it. It also stresses that it is important for athletes to pay attention to their emotions so they can stay psychologically healthy. “Your mind races as you consider recovery time and the impact it will have on your game. But if the stress and frustration turns into long-term feelings of hopelessness, being upset about your injury could escalate to depression.

Finally, this article is from a mom of an athlete. She talks about how her overreaction towards her kid’s injury has taught her a lesson. She makes suggestions to parents on what they should do after injury so that their kids will not feel embarrassed. “All of this is not to say the subject of injuries in youth sports shouldn’t be taken seriously.  They should.  If a parent feels their child has been injured, especially if they suspect a head injury,  my advice is to take every precaution for their health and safety.”