Our Blog
Thought-provoking articles on resilience, change, and well-being from Linda Hoopes and selected guest authors.
My Writing Retreat
Earlier this month, I took a 10-day writing retreat to focus on my next book. I felt so surrounded and lifted by the good thoughts people sent me as I was preparing to go that I thought I would write an account of the retreat to share with my friends and well-wishers. The Place I […]
Managing Change Overload: Part 3–Magnitude of Change Demand
As we seek to understand change-related overload, we've talked about *why* change is demanding, and we've talked about the sources of change demand. The next piece of the puzzle has to do with the magnitude of demand. Each change we encounter brings a different amount...
Expectations vs. Reality
Resilience Alliance's president, Linda Hoopes, and one of our partners, Jessica Bronzert of Lowe's, co-presented on change capacity and demand at the 2014 Change Management Conference. Please enjoy a clip from this presentation here.
Managing Change Overload: Part 2–Sources of Change Demand
In Part 1 of this series, I talked about change demand and how it can create overload. In Part 2, I will focus on the sources of change demand. Any place there is a gap between expectations and reality, change demand occurs. This means that change demand can come from...
Team Resilience Profile and Certification
Dear Resilience Practitioners: While many of you are using group profiles effectively to help teams explore their combined responses to change, the Team Resilience Profile goes beyond this by including a second tool that evaluates the team's effectiveness in combining...
Music and Resilience
A while back, the obituaries page in my newspaper had two stories on it. One was about Maria von Trapp, the last surviving member of the family who was the basis for "The Sound of Music." They escaped from Nazi-occupied Austria in 1938, and went on to perform music...
Depression: Companions on the Journey
One of our goals at My Resilience Gym is to provide connections to resources for dealing with various kinds of adversity. Depression is one of the most common challenges in today's world. Whether you have encountered depression yourself or have a friend or loved one...
Resilience and Change-Related Overload
From my perspective, human energy is the currency of organizational change. People apply their energy to do the work of change, including adapting to the disruptions of expectations that major change introduces. Because human energy is finite, it is possible for...
My Right Foot: Resilience Practice
A little over two weeks ago I stepped off a curb, my right foot twisted sideways, and I broke a bone (the base of the 5th metatarsal, for those of you who are curious!) I'm now wearing a boot on that foot, and can't drive my car. Since I try to practice what I preach,...
Ten Ways to Strengthen Your Resilience
1. Practice calming yourself down. Your brain reacts quickly when you perceive danger or threat. It moves into "fight or flight" mode, which makes it difficult to respond thoughtfully to the challenges you face. You can tell your brain everything is ok by taking deep...
Ten Ways to Increase Your Organization’s Resilience
A resilient organization is one that can sustain high levels of performance while experiencing high levels of disruption. Whether disruption comes from external forces that require the organization to adjust or from changes that are initiated from within (usually it's...
Exploring Team Resilience
A team is more than just a collection of individuals. When people work on a shared task, a set of group dynamics develops that can enhance or diminish their ability to get things done. If we look at a team through the lens of resilience, we can see that each person on...
Working with Veterans: A Healing Practice
David Bothe is a friend of mine who does healing work with a wide range of people. He has recently started a nonprofit organization called Hope and Haven that, as part of its mission, provides healing services for veterans, trauma survivors, their families and...
Basic Warmup Exercises
The goal of resilience warmup exercises is to help you feel relaxed and calm so you can think and react more effectively when facing challenges. All of the other resilience muscles work more easily and effectively when you are warmed up. If you practice one or more of...
Basic Experimenting Exercises
Your experimenting muscle is strong when you can courageously try new things when facing adversity. This muscle is useful because it helps you take actions that might feel scary but will help you achieve better outcomes. Some simple daily exercises you can use to...
Nourish your thinking on resilience, change, and well-being! Linda's newsletters are thought-provoking and informative.

Here’s how to reach us if you want more information, have a question, or would like to set up a time to talk.