Seven Resilience Muscles
What is resilience? Based on a great deal of research and observation of people going through change, we have identified a set of characteristics that help people use their adaptation energy more effectively. Think of...
From VUCA to CAVU: The Role of Resilience
VUCA is an acronym coined by students at the U.S. Army War College to describe the state of the world after the Cold War: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. It has become a very popular...
Designing Your Personal Emergency Drill
Six Payoffs for Resilience
Resilience has been defined as the ability to deal with high levels of challenge while maintaining and/or recovering well-being and performance. Building resilience takes time and resources.
...Holiday Energy-Zappers and How to Beat Them
Maintain your physical well-being at the holidays by protecting yourself against these three energy-zappers.
...What If I’m Not Feeling Resilient?
Resilience is the ability to deal with high levels of disruption, difficulty, or challenge while maintaining or regaining a sense of well-being. Although there is a lot of emphasis on the topic these days, I...